Faith Osoh
Faith Amenawon is a positivist Enthusiast, a lover of God.
She’s the founder of Positive Thinking/Voice of Hope.
She’s a Role Model and a Life Coach. She’s a Brand Consultant. She can help you start your Dream Business.
She’s a Certified Writer and Spoken Word Artists. She has keen interest in Personal Development and has won several Awards.
She's the author of the book, Caged? You can begin again.
She loves to see young people living a life of purpose. She’s a determined personality and a goal getter.
She’s an Entrepreneur. The owner of Faith’s Wear Online Store.
She's an Importation Expert. She has several students who are now Importation gurus.
Member since June 2022
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Mini Importation Business
This course is the beginners guide to importing from China from the comfort of your home!!. All you need is an Internet connec...
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